Feta Avocado Lemon Salad – Keto

Next time someone tells you Keto is unhealthy… share this blog post with them!!!
My lunch today is HIGH in HEALHTY FAT, Moderate to low protein and low carb. All carbs are coming from veggie sources.

It is LOADED with real raw nutrients and is literally a fat burning salad in a bowl. 

You can do Keto how YOU want, it doesn’t have to be all greasy beef and butter! (although there is nothing wrong with that, when glucose is starved your body will burn the fat for fuel vs. clogging your arteries which would happen if you were also eating it with the carbs!) 

The point is, keto can be adjusted to suit your lifestyle whether it is vegan, vegetarian or even lazy. Whats important is that you do it how it works best for YOU. If you are a clean eater, create your keto plan to be a CLEAN KETO! Why not? There are plenty of healthy fats out there from coconut oils to nut butters and avocados, you don’t have to eat bacon if you dont want to! This is YOUR body.

I use salads as my go to because they easily replace the bread, instead of a sandwich, I put the toppings on a salad, instead of a burger with fries, I put the burger over a salad with full fat dressings and lots of above ground veggies, instead of a burrito I make a burrito bowl etc.

Here is how I made this super healthy and delicious fat fueled salad today that is now going in my top 10 go to, easy to make recipe:

Feta Avocado Lemon Salad

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Serves: 1

Prep Time:

Cooking Time:


  • Organic Spinach and Dark Leafy Greens (fill the bowl!!)

  • 2 Oz Feta Cheese Crumbled

  • 1 Whole Avocado

  • 1 Slice of Red Onion

  • 4 Tbsp or so of Banana Ring Peppers

  • 14 or so Green Olives

  • 2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 1/4 Fresh Lemon


Fill your bowl with lots of the green leafy veggies, crumble the feta, top with all ingredients.


Drizzle extra virgin olive oil & squeeze fresh lemon over the top of the salad and top with some fresh cracked pepper.

*Yes that is fruit with keto! Its not a whole bowl of fruit which would really pack on the sugar, (side note: berries are perfectly fine) but it is just enough fruit that makes the dish perfection.

87 % FAT – 8% Protein – 5% Carbs

716 Calories – 8 Grams of NET CARBS.

*SHARE this post on your facebook wall to save this recipe for later and to give some ideas to your friends on how to incorporate CLEAN KETO into their life!

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